Crow Man Tom Bailey
These eleven quintessentially American stories fully demonstrate our unstinting capacity for love and loss. As The Atlantic Monthly’s C. Michael Curtis describes it, “Tom Bailey’s characters live in a world of deceptive simplicity. They move from job to job and in and out of prison, struggle to…understand loving attachment, make crucial misjudgments, defend…what they believe are manly virtues, and absorb deep…disappointments. They hunt, shoot, drink, and fight, while cultivating an appetite for moral ambiguity that elevates these…stories and wins our respect for their author.”
“An impressive gathering—richly imagined and sensitively crafted stories of loss, mystery, hurt, and unexpected redemption.”—Joyce Carol Oates
About The Author
Tom Bailey is the recipient of a Newhouse Award from the John Gardner Foundation and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Fiction. He is the author of A Short Story Writer’s Companion (Oxford University Press, 2000) and the editor of On Writing Short Stories (Oxford University Press, 1999). Widely published in literary journals and magazines, his fiction has been reprinted in such anthologies as The Pushcart Prizes and New Stories from the South and cited in The Best American Short Stories.
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