Big Time by Rus Bradburd
Welcome to Coors State University, a cash-strapped college that sold naming rights, academic programs, and, ultimately, its soul to a beer company just to keep the lights on. At Coors, the engineering professors are expanding the stadium, criminal justice faculty are the campus cops, and the history profs sell popcorn at concession stands. It’s the world turned upside down—yet not very far from the truth at today’s big state schools. Big Time is—ruefully and hilariously—a novel for Our Time.
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About The Author
Rus Bradburd is the author of four previous books, including All the Dreams We’ve Dreamed: a Story of Hoops and Handguns on Chicago’s West Side. He spent 14 seasons coaching Division basketball and 16 years as a university professor. He spends time in New Mexico, Chicago, and Belfast.
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