Arcadia Road: A Trilogy by Thorpe Moeckel
Arcadia Road is three long poems – narrative, lyrical, meditative – each as audacious as down-to-earth, each as strange as intimate. Moeckel’s trilogy is as rich, lush, and organic as the soil of his Virgina Blue Ridge homestead. In a mode both contemporary and as old as Hesiod, Moeckel sustains a cosmic and earthbound incursion into essential techniques and textures of life. These poems are organic and intimate, revolving around the time, work, grace and struggle of bringing food from field to table.
About The Author
Thorpe Moeckel, the author of <Venison (Etruscan, 2010), teaches in the writing program at Hollins University. His work has appeared in Field, Open City, The Antioch Review, Poetry Daily, Orion, Poetry, The Southern Review, and Virginia Quarterly Review, among others. He is the author of two books of poems — Odd Botany (Silverfish Review Press, 2002) and Making a Map of the River (Iris Press, 2008). Chapbooks include Meltlines and The Guessing Land. His poetry is featured in the anthology Field Work: Modern Poems from Eastern Forests, edited by Erik Reece and published by University of Kentucky Press (2008), and in the anthology from Persea Press, From the Fishouse.
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